Paris Syndrome

Paris what an imaginary city...30000 feet up in the air and I was still day dreaming about the smell of Chanel no.5, parks filled with pigeons, waiters bursting into song at the drop of a hat and Parisians gorgeous, thin and unbelievably rich. BURRRR the low rumble of engines as the plane slowly came to a stop on the run way at Charles de Gaulle Airport. I couldn't see out the window because I was in a centre seat surrounded by annoying little children and their insensitive parents. My trip was already getting of to a good start...NOT! I could see the flight crew open the doors to the outside world and the eagerness was overwhelming that I toppled over a little old lady who was peacefully going about her own business.
WOOSH...The doors to of the plane opened and I felt a big disappointment because their was no smell of Chanel no.5 and everyone was rude and insensitive to me as I went to find a taxi looking down their nose's. As I found the taxi stand after about half an hour the line was a mile long and their was at least a 90 minute waiting time. My day had turned from bad to worse! While I was waiting in the line someone shoved me with force over to the ground, while they ran off with my luggage. "LIKE SERIOUSLY, are you kidding!" So now I am in Paris with no luggage, no taxi, bruised rib and breathing difficulties. Could my day get any worse?
Finally a taxi picked me up and on the way to the hospital to get my rib checked out I was taken through some back streets that seemed unsafe. I was correct about it being unsafe because as we turned into one particular back street, their were some suspicious people waiting on the corner. Next thing I noticed was that they were coming up to the car with baseball bats, knives and guns. I frantically searched for my credit card and ID and shoved them under my shirt. SMASH...The glass broke and they said "give us your purse". I couldn't do anything, I was surrounded. I held onto my bag but they snatched it from my tight grip and took off around the corner. The driver seemed unfazed, like it had happened to him before. I had no idea what to do, but all I was thinking that I needed to be safe again. I yelled at the driver to take me to the Australian embassy. After that I went into a blur, I thought I was seeing ghosts, I started feeling faint and then I collapsed. I woke up a week later and found myself being airlifted back to Australia on a plane. I asked the nurse what happened and she said "you have suffered from Paris..." I never heard the last word, but I knew that I would never be going back to Paris again.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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