Paris’s Big Mystery 1616

One fun day after going to the beach two friends went home and found a note on the front door step. It was a note from their boyfriends Levi and Blake. The note said "Will you marry me Aaliyah?" From Levi. "Will you marry me Amelia?" From Blake. Amelia and Aaliyah ran straight to their house and said “yes.”
The next day they got on the plane and flew to Paris. They landed safely in Paris. Aaliyah and Amelia called it “the city of love.” The boys said “Just coz it the city of love you will not find any other boys”
The next day was the Wedding day. Aaliyah and Amelia walked up the stairs expecting to see the boys in their black suits but, when the girls got to the top of the tower they couldn’t see the boys.
Amelia was as sad as a mouse with no cheese and Aaliyah was as sad as an elephant with no peanuts. The girls went back to the hotel, they looked in the pool, the bar even the bathroom. The girls were crying in bed. The next minute there was a knock on the door and the girls opened the door, it wasn’t the boys so they slammed the door on them.
The next day the girls went for a walk on the beach and saw the boy’s shoes on the sand .One was Levi’s and one was Blake’s. The girls ran and followed the footprints. The girls ended up in a cave at the edge of the beach. The girls ran into the cave and found the boys in their undies. There were 2 other people. The girls tried to get the boys out of the cave. The girls ran out with the boys and ran to the hotel and asked the boys “ Who are those people?” The boys said “ I have no idea.”
When they got back to the hotel they kissed and hugged each other. The next day was the Wedding day and they lived happily ever after back in Australia with 2 kids each.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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