Knowledge, Is Power

"Knowledge is power." I remember faintly from History in room 20. The world around me in that class room created a void around my brain and every concentration focused onto the ancient realms beside me instead of the work I was supposed to be doing. Like now. All that is behind me, I must focus on the present moment. Focus on my breath.

"Knowledge is power." The whooshing of my exhaled breath signaled the return of this phrase. It's repetition must mean something. In meditation, I guess I'm always in repetition. 

Repetition, routine, ritual. What are these things? Why is the world round?

"Knowledge is power." I keep hearing it. It's not even my voice. It's a husky, deep and singing voice, similar to my Pops. 

Has it been ten minutes yet? Stop. Focus. Focus on your breathing. In, pause, out. In, pause, out. 

I'm in darkness but I feel liberated. The fresh air and the dew of the early morning grass surrounds me and my soft, thick picnic blanket. In, pause, out. I feel slightly guilty that I'm contributing to environmental insustainablity. Stupid carbon dioxide. However, the trees are howling with wind, I don't think that they mind. In, pause, out.

Look at me! Guess who's staying in the moment. Man, if only it was all over now. I hate being constrained to time. But not as much as I love the fresh air and it's calming benefits. I relax from time to time but stress always catches up. It's like time. "And at my back I always hear, Time's winged chariot hurrying near." More like, "the stresses of EVERYTHING hurrying near." Anyway, in, pause, out.

The birds are always chirping but I like it how I can sit here and listen to their singing. It's wonderful to actually hear the different songs of different birds. You can tell it's a different type of bird because - well, you just can. It's like meditating strings me to each bird and the vibrations connect me to the one singing. In, pause, out.

If I fell asleep, would that still count as meditation? I suppose not. It's just as relaxing though. And the dreams are much more vivid. I had a bad dream once where the kids in year 11 wouldn't let me play handball, so I decided to steal their ball and I wouldn't give it back. They got it back, easily... 

That was a weird dream. Yep, sleeping definitely doesn't count as meditation. In, pause, out.

Anyway, I'm sure it's just that they don't understand, yeah that must be it. I'm wonderful. Aren't I?

"Knowledge is power." I've been waiting for you! Stupid phrase. What does it even mean? In, pause, out.

 So, if I know something ... It makes me powerful? 

Really? Okay...

I know I'm a little annoying but, eh - I mean everyone is. Oh. That's why they said I couldn't play.

Great. Now I know I'm annoying. 

In. Out. 


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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