Goldilocks And The Three Bears

One day in a cottage,
There lived 3 bears that made some porridge.
They went for a walk to let it cool,
Then along came Goldilocks being a fool.
She crept into the house,
As silent as a mouse,
As she walked through the door she could not believe,
That she was about to be a dam rotten thieve.

‘There was food, what could it be?’
‘Oh yes I know there is no time to flee’.
She ran over to the food,
In a ravenous mood,
The first bowl was hot,
The second was not,
The third was just right.
And she had another bite.

After the food hit,
She decided to sit,
Down on a chair,
With the faint sent of porridge in the air.
The first chair was hard,
As hard as a concrete backyard,
The second chair was soft.
And when she sat down she scoffed.
She moved to the last,
And sat down real fast,
It was just right.
And the perfect height,
She thought she smelt smoke,
But then the little chair broke.

After that, she felt quite sleepy.
‘I wonder if this place has a tepee.’
She went upstairs to have a lie down,
She lay on the first bed and made a frown.
The next bed was soft,
When she lay down she was not aloft.
She moved to the next,
And did not flex,
She fell quietly asleep,
Like a cute baby sheep.

The three bears came back home,
From their early morning roam.
Too see all baby bears porridge was gone,
Mama and dada bear peered out on the lawn.
They started sniffing the air,
When baby bear cried ‘my chair’
The three bears were quite curious,
But at the same time so very furious.

They went upstairs,
Oh boy did they need repairs,
Dada bear leant over the bed.
To find Goldilocks awaking in dread,
She saw the face on the angry bear,
And Goldilocks let out a swear,
She sprinted away, out of the house,
Too never return, like an almost caught mouse.

By Darcy Winter


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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