The Fantastic World Of Wizards And Witches

In the year 212,121 lived witches and wizards of all kinds. All witches were taught to hate wizards and wizards were also taught to hate witches.
Lulust, Heckie and Simpha were in their fifth year at Wanda’s School of Witches and Wizards. They were best friends, and loved playing jokes on a group of fifth year wizards called Cookie, Peppie and Shimphus. At ther school, everyone had to wear black robes with red ties. Lulust had a long thin plait and wore thick glasses; Heckie has short blonde hair and dark skin. As for Simpha, she had two pig tails and brown hair. Cookie has pale skin and is very shy. Peppie had dark hair which always covered his face. Shimphus has blonde hair and dark skin.
Everyday was the same. Lulust, Heckie and Simpha kept putting spells on the wizards. One day, Heckie put a spell on Cookie and he couldn’t stop laughing. So the boys decided to have their revenge on the cheeky witches. Peppie put itching powder on Simpha’s jacket while she wasn’t looking and kept on scratching. They went to the doctors, but they couldn’t find a cure until Lulust found a reverse spell in the library.
The war between the two groups had begun. Every day at lunch and recess the two groups were meeting in front of the big hall and started to make their wands go as crazy as they could. Sparkling lights, snakes and frogs, skulls and black smoke were all filling up the sky over their heads. At the end of it the young witches and wizards were all dirty and hurt.
The teachers did not know what to do because they were powerless against the strong and smart way of making magic of those special groups of talented and gifted students. The teachers tried to talk and make the students believe in peace, but nothing happened. The special students were just too stubborn. The two smartest kids in each group, Heckie from the witches and Cookie from the wizards found out that they couldn’t be part of the war anymore because their wands had expired. They found themselves sitting next to each other at lunch while the others were still fighting. It was quite embarrassing. But Cookie took the words and started to think in a loud voice that he couldn’t find a good reason why they should keep fighting. “WHY? WHAT DID THEY WANT TO ACHIEVE?” Heckie agreed 100% on what her ‘enemy’ was saying. They both went to find their own friends in front of the big hall. As usual, they found a big black smoke and dirty fighting kids. Heckie and Cookie talked to their group and explained that there was no need to fight each other. It had been just an old myth that they were following. From then on, no wand was working for fights during lunch time and between the two groups…just nice words!!!!!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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