
The war is coming. Keep running, keep running. It is bigger than the last. Don’t stop... No one is safe. Just keep going... Especially not you.
“But why?” That blood curling laugh that clung to me like glue. “Why aren’t you safe? It is a war between royalties and you, my dear, are a princess.”
Moaning echoed around me as fire brought down the mighty pillars that once held this expensive hall in place.
“How do you know?” Her eyes had truly stared at me and pierced my soul. “Because, my dear, I know all.” I had let out a laugh of my own that time. “You’re not god!” She had smiled. “I don’t need to be, dear.”
Where was the exit again?
“Did you know that our last war was decades ago? We have peace now.” I had said. “Peace is non-existent.” I had thought about this before retorting. “Well why not? We are at peace now, aren’t we?” She had sighed, pitying me.
The exit was in front of me and I scrambled out with great difficulty before finally collapsing onto the grass and welcoming the fresh air.
“Peace is where we have complete peace. Children do not see this, but it is everywhere. A world with peace would be one without violence. Have you ever seen someone die?” I had looked at her with great difficulty. “No...” She had nodded solemnly. “And I hope you never do.”
I smelt a sweet, sickly scent. Overwhelming me and sending me into a fit of coughs.
“Help...” My throat was dry, and as I expected, my voice was a mere croak.
“My lady!” I recognised the voice, before I saw the face. It was Arthur, my most faithful of servants. He helped me up and the throbbing in my head increased violently.
Standing, the world spun and my lungs could not process any oxygen. I was dying, I thought. I could gasp but not breathe, smell but not hear. My senses were tinged with fatigue, like I was asleep. I wanted to fall back down and go back to when I could look at the stars.
“What one is that, mummy?” My hand extended to a constellation. “I’m not sure, but it is pretty, isn’t it?” My head bobbed up and down in a vigorous nod.
I wanted to sleep and I wanted to vomit. I could only achieve one of those in my current situation, so I vomited, my head throbbing even worse than before.
“My lady, we have to get out. The horses were wild. I have brought two since we must flee and fast.”
Why should we? “Where’s my mother?”
His eyes went glassy before refocusing. “We have not found her yet, my lady. But I have reason to believe this was no boil-over from the kitchen. The wars are coming and we must get you to safety.”
The wars are coming, no one will be safe, especially not you.
“My mother...”
I felt his hand fasten around my arm like iron. I felt heavy with a leaden weight that I could not carry. “Let me sleep...”
He shook his head, and I felt another violent surge of nausea. He helped me onto my white stallion and I collapsed onto her neck, my head still throbbing dully.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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