Santa's Trip

One day Santa was getting ready to go to Healthy Land and get fit. Santa was flying by plane and it took 2 hours to get there.
When Santa got to healthy land he knew he would get very fit. The whole entire reason he was here was because his family wanted him to get fit so he could get down the chimneys.
Santa got in a taxi and he went on a little tour. Santa saw a fruit fountain and a vegetable fountain. He also saw a man coved in fruit and veg. He knew he was definitely going to get fit enough. His family will be so impressed.
Santa got out of the taxi and went over to a b fruit and veg bar. He got some bananas and apples. Santa gave some money to the man and turned around. People had surrounded Santa. He was getting pushed back because they were all walking towards him. He knocked a few stalls over then he fell down a shoot.
The shoot leads to a different land. Santa landed with a bump. When Santa looked up there were lollies everywhere. There was a chocolate lake and M and Ms everywhere. Santa thought for a moment. He was in sweet land.
This was good and bad. It was bad because he was supposed to be getting fitter not fatter. The good thing is that he loves sweets and that’s why he is fat.
Santa called back up the shoot. There was no reply which was no help at all.
Santa walked off. He tripped on an m and m. Santa got back up again and fell into the chocolate lake. Santa was covered in chocolate.
Santa licked his lips. “That’s nice” said Santa.
Santa thought for a moment. “Should I stay or should I go?” said Santa. “If I stay I will probably get even fatter than I am now”. “If I go back to healthy land I will probably end up back here again”. Santa decided to stay.
Santa still didn’t know where he was. While Santa was thinking he could hear music. The farther he walked the louder the music got.
Soon he reached a wall with a door. Santa walked up to the door and put his ear on the door. He could hear cheering and cars racing around. He opened the door and saw people everywhere.
Santa walked down the aisle to find a seat. He found a seat and sat next to a man with some lollies. Once Santa had sat down he asked for some lollies. “Sure” said the man. Santa had a sherbet, liquorice and a lolly pop. Santa scoffed down the liquorice and just picked the rest.
When Santa was finished he looked at his belly. His belly was even fatter than it was before. “Oh no” said Santa. Santa got up and ran back to the door. He went through the door back to the shoot.
When Santa got to the top he poked his head out to see if there was watching. There wasn’t anyone there. Santa hopped out quietly and hid behind the shoot.
Then Santa ran off quickly and stole some apples, bananas and a few other fruit and veg. Santa shoved them in his bag.
Santa went to the airport. Santa really wanted to go home to his family. He got on the plane and ate all the food he stole.
Then everyone lived happily ever after. Well Santa did.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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