Big Johnny's Bullying

Excellence Award in the 'The Text Generation 2014' competition

One day at a small school there were three children. The children were known as Big Johnny, Little Fred and Jeff Mini Man. Big Johnny was called that because he ate way too much and he was a BIG bully and his main victims were Little Fred and Jeff Mini man.
Eventually the two small and sad boys had gotten fed up with constant wedgies, stolen lunch money and nose punches. So after school they had a meeting to stop Big Johnny’s bullying so they decided to go to the magic potion store. They went and found just the thing they needed, the instant skinny potion.
So the little kids got right to work on stopping Big Johnny. So the next day the plan was ready. Little Fred and Jeff Mini man had put the instant skinny potion on some cupcakes that Little Fred had bought at tuckshop. When Big Johnny came by, Jeff Mini man shouted “Wow did you get the mouth-watering chocolate chip cupcake amazing!” They both knew that Big Johnny couldn’t help to steal something that yummy. “Give me that cupcake!” he shouted at the top of his lungs. “U-u-um-um-ok – okay” stuttered Little Fred as convincingly as possible.
“Thank you Mr Stut – stut - stuter pants” teased Big Johnny. He grabbed the cupcake and ate it in one bite. “Yum” he exclaimed. “Wait a second my stomach is starting to hurt” he continued. “Ah it’s poisonous! It’s deadly! The cupcake is taking away all my beautiful fat and muscle!” he screamed.
“It worked!” shouted Little Fred and Jeff Mini Man. “Now you will never be mean to us again!” they said.
“I won’t, I won’t!” promised Big Johnny and they all lived a happy non-bullying life.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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