New Teacher

Mum and I weren’t in a good mood, I had just received another ‘F’ grade. “This is the worst school ever” I yell in an angry voice. By the way my name is Samantha and I hate school as you can see, my mums name is Angula, she is very fussy about my grades, and my brother mark well he is just a pain in the BUT!

When I got to school it took a while for Mrs Gurgan to get in the class that means mum must be having a serious talk about my grades. Soon Mrs Gurgan was back with a worried look on her face, everyone was looking out her with a stunned look on their face, she said “I’m leaving I’m moving on” ”yepee” I yell. He looked at me with a stern look on her face ”yepee’’ its Tuesday” I said looking worried “you’re going to have a boy teacher the first boy teacher at this school” she moved on. I was scared I had never had a grown man in my life because my dad left when I was 2 yrs. old.

The next day I went to class and there was a boy standing in the middle of the class “good morning class my name is Mr Slattery” he said in a very nice voice He already sounded awesome. He had changed are desk around in groups which is cool and he would make learning fun, he also let us go out for sport if we did something good for the day. Mr Slattery would always plan things, like today, he handed out us a note saying The Yr. 5 Ball. Oh no this is bad really bad. I can’t dance.” Boys pick a girl” Mr Slattery said, guess who picked me Picker [nick name] he gets could that because he picks his nose and eats the bogger ewwww.

When I got to the ball I had to look for picker but he wasn’t hear yes I yelled but then a car rocked up who is that……………………..
By Sally Grigg


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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