Quest For Power

Five years had passed over the lands of Langalo were the winds blow and the stars glow brightly, long ago the kingdom of Lorasa fell to the king of thieves Galagon. After long waiting the army of 50,000 men and 25,000 elves might be able to take bake their graceful kingdom but 200,000 trained and armed thieves stand watch in that kingdom so they knew that their army of 75,000 strong men and elves could not take back the kingdom. They needed much more power an ancient artefact called the power stone, first used by the founders of Langalo to free the land of the evil, but they knew that evil was not gone for ever and if evil got the stone then all good would be destroyed so they hid it in the deepest cave of the deepest dungeon. The army of men and elves march to the location of this dungeon but all were scared as their had been rumour that a dragon lived their but the prince that lead the army was not scared his name was ace and his elf friend loria, they had been friends since the day the kingdom fell, that day a thief was about to murder the prince greedily, but in the moment were ace saw his life flashed before hi eyes loria pushed that greedy thief of the ledge witch he climb up to get the prince, From that day forth they have stood by each others side. They finally found the deep dungeon; ace took his finest men, elves and loria down to the dungeon while the army waited patiently for their return. Ace and loria were leading the party down the dungeon looking for a magical door that may hold the power stone. The dungeon held no monsters but only traps and puzzles. Finally they found it, the door the king felt something in his pocket like it started to get heavier and heavier then it started to burn he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a key. Ace had never seen this key but he felt that he needed to put it in the door so he did, Then a blinding light flash though the dungeon and when it was gone the door was open and their stood a dragon. This dragon was the size of a human but could still breath fire, they though and thought the dragon but could not defeat him until a mysteries arrow hit the dragons back, the beast fell. They did not see whom it came from but they knew that if they don’t get the power stone and get out arrows could be coming at them. Ace grab the stone and ran with the men, elves and loria but the cave started to collapse, rocks fell from the roof but they kept on running until they reach the cave entry and jump to get out. They had survived now it was time to reclaim the castle


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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