King Court Tennis

The courts were wide open, waiting for sporty children to verse each other. The sun’s rays beating down on the asphalt. I was selected to play on court 6, the second to last court. I was determined to win, so I served first. I bounced the green fuzzy ball and hit it with all my might. "Aargh!" My opponent didn't manage to return the ball. "15-love!" Said the umpire. The pressure builds up to adrenaline. I hit the ball softly, but not too softly. It bounces on the other side, just over the net. The returner hits it back this time, but not hard enough. The ball flies through the air and I was so nervous it was almost in slow motion. It lightly skims the net, ever so slightly, like a graceful bird swooping to the ground and back up into the air. It bounces on my side, but I don't bother trying to hit it back. "30-love!" Says the umpire, sounding hot and bothered. I bounce the ball and hit a perfect shot, the ball bouncing right on the corner of the opponent's court, impossible to hit back. "40-love.." The umpire mumbles, half asleep. This is it, the final round. I lightly bounce it on the ground, as if I'm covering up what I'm about to do next, then I hit it, throwing all my might behind the hit. "Aargh!" I scream! The ball flies into the air, and I hold my breath as it soars back down and lands on the line! "In In In!" The crowd screams. "Out Out Out!" screams some people and a riot starts. "In..." mumbles the umpire. The crowd goes wild! "Erin Erin!" The audience chants! "Erin!" I shake my head and I'm back at school. ‘Your head is in the clouds again.’


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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