The First Pony Club

My excitement was hard to hide the day that my Mum announced that I would be off to pony club in two weeks' time. This was a dream of mine, I had read a whole heap of stories about pony club and had seen many movies. The pony club that I was going to attend was about 30 minutes away from my house, which meant it would be an early start.
The day before pony club was really busy. We had to clean all of my pony’s gear and wash him for the big day. Thankfully the sun was shining and everything was going to plan as I had imagined it. We hooked up the float to the car and packed it ready for the next morning. Off to bed I went, full of nerves and happiness that the day I had been dreaming of was nearly here.
My alarm went off and I jumped out of bed, the day had come. I raced to get dressed in my new uniform. I personally thought I looked very smart. I loaded up my horse and off we went to pony club.
Finally we arrived at pony club, it seemed like the place to be. There were ponies everywhere, all shapes and sizes. There were three arenas and a cross country course, which was just like the movies. Bundy and I were very new to the club, but I felt right at home.
My first session was flat work. At flat work, I was standing in line and Bundy started to dig the ground, I didn't know what he was doing so I kept riding. When I started riding Bundy suddenly started rolling so I had to quickly dismount. Later on when Bundy had settled down I got back on.
My second session was show jumping. At show jumping when it was my go, I jumped the first two jumps and Bundy started to rear, I fell of and landed on my back. But I had to get back on even though I was very nervous.
The last session was cross-country. At cross-country, I spent the whole lesson on the lead-rope with mum leading me. After that, I didn't ride my horse Bundy for three months. Then I finally got back on my horse and have now got all my confidence back.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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