Banana Boy!

One day, shortly after his 7th Birthday, Victor Robertson ate his first Banana. After that, he was addicted to eating Bananas. He walked to the grocery store but on the way there...he shot a Banana out of his hand, because bananas were in his blood. It tripped an old lady over! He rushed to her...BANG, she slapped him with her handbag. He ran to the Chemist to get help. They didn't know what was happening, or why he was shooting Bananas out of his hands. On the way out of the Chemists shop he ran into Andrew Velenski. Andrew told him how he became "Potato Guy".
When he was 9, Andrew went to a Spudarium and he got sick from eating too many potatoes, but the next day he realised that he could shoot mashed potato out of his nose, so he started to call himself "Potato Guy". Potato Guy also told him about two other kids who had special powers as well. They were "Cake-Maker", who could throw cakes with the power of his mind, and "Candy Man", who had a lifetime supply of candy in his pocket.
Potato Guy asked Victor if he could join him in the fight against junk food. Victor said, "Yes", and started to call himself "Banana Boy".
It didn't take long to find Candy Man and Cake Maker, because they were at the park, trying to get kids to eat too many cakes and lollies. It was the ultimate food fight! It was Good vs Bad food. Candy Man kicked Potato Guy, then Banana Boy hit Candy Man. Banana Boy and Potato Guy did a special move. Banana Boy blinded Candy Man and Cake-Maker with banana peels, then Potato Guy buried them in a pile of mashed potato. Banana Boy shot a banana out of his smacked them in the guts. Candy Man threw a Jaw-Breaker at Potato Guy.
All of a sudden, Banana Boy, said "ENOUGH FIGHTING...leave now, junk food", and Candy Man and Cake-Maker vanished.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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