Ella The Chicken

Once there was a little chick called Ella, who lived in a little chicken pen. Ella was a yellow fluffy chicken who liked to go in the garden. Her owner was named Harrison. Harrison bought Ella from the pet shop with all his pocket money. He didn't want a dog, or a cat, he loves chickens. He thinks they are funny animals and they are very cute. Harrison looks after Ella the chicken. In the morning, he loves to let her out of her pen and watch her explore the garden, she loves the bushes. Harrison likes the feeling of her flufy feathers but she thinks it's a game and runs away. The Harrison feeds Ella some yummy vegetable scraps and the picks her up and puts her away in her house.

The next day Harrison went to see Ella the chicken in her pen but she wasn't there. She must have escaped. Harrison looked everywhere. But he couldn't find her. He was feeling very sad because he loved his pet chicken, Ella. The he heard a noise, a loud clucking noise. Harrison ran over to the garden and found a sneaky Ella sitting in the bushes. Harrison said "what are you doing here silly Ella?" and picked her up and gave her a cuddle. The he saw an egg. Ella had left her house to lay an egg in her favourite place, the bushes. Harrison put Ella back into her home and had an idea. He asked his Daddy if he could build Ella a new house around the bushes. Because she loves to bushes and Harrison loves to look after his pet Ella.



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