That's What Rain Is Like

Bernard goes on and on about some of the most unimportant things you can imagine. These ramblings of his take place frequently- ranging from the early morning minutes to the latest hour of the night. His topics consist of spoons, the sound the fridge makes, who walked past his room... It drives me mad! However there's one thing he talks about that I can't get over; The rain.
"The rain" he says "makes me feel renewed, reborn if you like. The rain is just like how you feel after an extremely treacherous evening after work, when you crawl and slither through the sleepless city hoping not to tread on anyone or collide shoulders. How you slink and dip through people and waste the remains of your precious energy just trying to make it home. When you get there, when you get to your little house, you take off your shoes and your once crisp business clothes. You hit the shower, the water hugging your back and leaving your stomach cold- that is until you turn around and around for a solid half hour washing all that stress away. How earlier today you were looking for Debra to get that report but instead blindly ran into Paul who spilt coffee all down his front. They don't matter now.
You dry off and put on your favourite bed wear. You don't even set the alarm clock or clean up in the kitchen- you just slide into bed and stretch your limbs to the farthest corners of the mattress and sigh deeply. That's what rain is like."


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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