Game Over

I lay in on a hospital bed, in a hospital room, dying. What did I do wrong? I exercised regularly, I ate healthy enough not to cause any immediate problems, I even stayed away from alcoholic beverages but I, like so many before me am dying. Everyone dies I know that, but why me? Why now? I have so many questions but so little time. My family stand around me, secretly waiting for me to just die, fade out like a light. My only hope at this moment is that my light will live on through them so that the world will not forget me. I love them too much to do that to them, I wish I could stay with them. Why is the universe so cruel? I feel cold, why am I so cold? Is it time yet? No, it can’t be time yet, I haven’t even said goodbye. Light surrounds me, my family is gone. Their not here, their not even in the same world. I’m wearing my best Sunday clothes, at least I won’t walk on in those hospital clothes. I hated that place, so white but so dark at the same time. I see a speck of colour at the end of this tunnel of light. It’s so pretty, just like flowers in spring. I love spring, such a lovely time of year. Maybe that’s where I’m supposed to go, yes. Thats where I’m supposed to go. I walk towards it and feel no pain, its all gone now. I left it behind, I’ll miss it. The speck of colour gets bigger as I make my way down the tunnel. I finally reach it, it says something on it:



What is this? Life is meant to be lived once, you only get one chance. I thought you only get one chance. What should I do? I’m happy with the life I lived. I had children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren. But will the world remember me? I was no one important, I’ll just be forgotten like everyone else. If I’m getting this opportunity it must mean something. I must not pass this up. I press try again.

Today is not

just another day.

It’s a new


another chance,

a new beginning,

embrace it.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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