Bathurst Gold Fields Camp.

Last week 5/6M went on our camp to the Bathurst Gold fields. We all arrived and left at 7:00am.
The first place we went to was the one and only Scenic World! But before we went in we had a little snack outside, it was freezing! The first thing we went to was the Scenic Railway. I was scared to go, but it was so much fun! We passed the Three Sisters (three big mountains), their names were Meehni, Wimlah and Gunnedoo and their father’s name was Tyawan. We heard him call out to his daughters at Scenic World.
After the Scenic Railway we kept walking straight to get to the cable way, but as we were walking past we stopped at signs that told us what things were, I even learnt new stuff! After a long walk we finally made it to the cableway. I was really scared on that one-we went up high-so high we almost touched the sky (no not really).
Once we finished both the rides we made a stop at the gift shop, but I left my money in my bag! Never mind, there was still another gift shop to come.
When we left Scenic World we then went to a beautiful park in Marchatti. We ate our lunch there, then we had a little play. Once it was time to go we then headed off to our resort. On the way there we went on the Mount Panorama race track-it was fun!
When we arrived at Bathurst Gold fields Resort we dropped our bags in front of the gift shop then we started our first tour-it was awesome! I learnt new things that I didn’t know before. The last activity I did was gold panning-I found heaps of gold.
After the tour we had a snack, then we went to our cabins and unpacked everything.
We then went for dinner. On the menu was pie, vegetables, mash and gravy which was delicious! After dinner we went to our campfire colonial music night from 7:30 to 9:00pm. When the campfire ended we went back to our cabins and it was party time! The girls had their own party, as did the boys.
In our party we had heaps of snacks, some games, and you can’t forget a pillow fight! When the parties ended it was lights out and it was time to go to sleep (even though some girls kept talking).
The next day 5/6M all woke up early. We got dressed and went down for breakfast. On the menu was a hot breakfast and cereal. After breakfast we packed our suitcases and bags on the bus, and then went into the gift shop where I bought heaps of things!
When everybody finished their buying, we went to start our final tour, which was about life on the gold fields. We separated into three groups and we made mud bricks, played games and made damper (damper was delicious).
When our tour was done it was time to say our goodbyes to Bathurst. Past traffic lights, and around curves, then we were gone.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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