
Marcus was a particular strange robot man. You may not know that was because he looked like a human. Marcus was rich but didn’t want anyone to know. Marcus was evil on the inside but was a sweat as a pickle on the outside.
On Monday Marcus received an invitation, there was a giant letter inside and it was a maroon colour, it also had a crown on it and it said… You have been invited to come and see the Queen for 2 nights, it is held on the 18th of June at 12:30 sharp. DON’T BE LATE!
Marcus was about to leave his house to go shopping before he goes and right as he walked out the door there was a GIANT package sitting on the door step, Marcus didn’t order anything so he thought maybe it was next door’s. Marcus took the package inside and just left it for a little bit, then out of nowhere a puppy jumps out of the box! Marcus didn’t know what to do.
Later that day Marcus was stuck with the puppy and he couldn’t go anywhere and he thought if he took the puppy with him the puppy might go CRAZY and destroy the place, or even worse, bite the Queen! Later that evening the Queen called Marcus again and this is what she said… Hello Marcus it’s the Queen speaking I have another reminder if you have any pets please bring them we have a special feast for them, anyway I have to go now. Bye and see you soon. Marcus was happy with himself and just went on with his day!
By Bridgette Smith


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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