You Only Live Twice

You only live twice; once on earth and once in HEAVEN if you’re saved. If you’re not saved, you will go to hell. The only reason we have a chance to
go to heaven is because GOD sent his only son Jesus to die on the cross for us, so we would go to heaven. Jesus washes away our sins. They nailed Jesus to the cross and he was in the tomb for 3 days and rose on the third day.
This is a story that only a few would believe. GOD does exist. Our God is spelt with a big G. HERE IS A TRUE STORY that I live to tell… One day I was in the pool. It was just an ordinary day. I was swimming in the pool with my brothers, my sister, and her friend. Our pool ladder disconnected, and I was bored, cold and miserable, so I started swimming in and out and up and down the ladder. Then suddenly, I got caught in the ladder and started sinking.
I saw the glary water above me and the sun slightly above me. I used the last bit of my energy that I had left, and after about a minute, I pushed up. Still being weaved in the ladder, I could not think, and I could not stand up properly and hold the ladder up that I was caught in. The ladder was filled with 15 litres of water and I started sinking. I was stuck on the bottom of the pool unconscious, and my face was blue and purple; but I
knew if I did die, I would go to heaven because when I was about five I prayed to GOD to forgive me for all the sins I have done.
I know he died on the cross for me, and I do not deserve it, but he did it anyway because he cares about me, and that if I die I will go to heaven.
Anyway, my brother Philip was walking in the pool and accidently stood on me. Then he swam under and looked at what it was. He saw it was me and then
he told Sarah, and David and Lydia lifted me up out of the pool and put me on to the grass. They yelled out to my dad, and my sister rang the ambulance
while my dad immediately started CPR. After about 2 minutes, he got me to breathe and I vomited up all the food I had eaten that day. After about 5
minutes, the ambulance arrived and the news’ reporters. Mr Kearnie was supposed to begin code 2, but he began code 1 the more important code. The
ambulance rushed me to the hospital and gave me oxygen. They got me breathing properly and fed me, but gave me no water, but gave me ice and food. My mum stayed with me for 3 days and she had hardly any sleep. She ate hardly any food because she was too worried. She watched me all day and night, and Mr Buchholz gave me magazines and pens and a big book of paper.
The church gave me a big box of rose chocolates and balloons, and when I came home and went to church, Mrs Heberle gave me a car set. For ages, people kept asking me, “Is it true?”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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