King Debate

"I don't feel you should be king!"
"Did you hear that!?" He screamed, "she just told me I don't deserve to be king. What kind of person thinks they can stand there and embarrass me like that!" He looked over to the guards, "take her to the torture chamber, she doesn't deserve to stand there thinking she's better than all of us embarrassing the king! Take her. Take her now!"
I was soon being led toward the dungeon, my hands held behind my back by two strong men. I couldn't believe myself, what was I thinking! Embarrassing the most powerful person and thinking I can get away with it! Stupid!
Anyways because of what I did I was sentenced to death, but slow painful death. At first the thumbscrews, then the body stretcher, then they were putting me in a cage to die slowly from everything I just went through.
I was sitting there on big metal screws and they said to me put out your thumbs. So of course, I had to listen. I put my thumbs out and they put this big metal frame thing on my thumbs then slowly they tightened it, one of the most painful things I've ever been through! All I heard next was my thumbs being crushed. I looked down and my thumbs were swollen and purple. I was screaming. This is what I get for telling the truth...
I was laid down on this wooden bed, while I was holding my thumbs they were attaching my head to this frame thing and same with my feet. I sat there and watched, knowing I could do nothing about it, they were sitting there winding this wheel thing not even knowing or caring what pain they are putting people through. Worst pain ever!
Then they took me off just before I was stretched to death, they took me off the bed and took me to the death cage, I was struggling so hard, I didn't want to die, I was only 15! Telling the truth in these days was the worst thing ever!
Anyways they were dragging me down by my ear this time, down to some cage looking thing where they pushed me in and locked me up in front of all my friends and family and villagers. How embarrassing! Now they pulled me up by some rope and watched me sit there while I died of starvation and slowly by circulation that's cut off in my thumbs but also from my bones, all stretched.
Worst, the last day of my life, was the most painful. All because I told the truth. Ugh...I hate the medieval times!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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