
25th April 1915
Morning at dawn
The stillness in the air was what I first noticed.Men all around we're waiting with anticipation for the first orders.We could see the shore line glistening in early morning sunrise.The muscles in arm carrying the rifle tensed,and my heart started to beat little faster.All of a sudden the hair on the back of my neck stood up,and we heard the first shout from the officers

Right.I thought.Time to be brave.Execpt every fibre in my body told me to run and hide Behind the biggest man I could find.The next few moments were like a blur as hundreds of men ran blindly from a boat into the shadowy waters nears a rocky beach and onto the sands of ANZAC Cove,knowing that this might be eh end for them.It was a moment of bravery that defined a lot of men.Heroes were born that morning.

Even before we got onto the beach we heard gun fire from the top of the hills.I looked back to see my mates,but half of the men had already fallen.I felt sad,afraid and disappointed because as an ANZAC I hadn't done my duty to keep my mates safe from danger.

I ran up the hill with the surviving men around me.The journey to the top of the hill was horrendous.The sight of body parts littering the hills and the sands are images I will never forget.Once we got to the top of the hill we found a spot in the rolling ground to hide,started to ready our guns and with eyes closed I pulled the trigger............Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang that is all I heard from then on.

25th April 1915
We were all starting to walk back to camp as the troops stopped to rest for the night.When we all got back to camp we put all our gear down at our tents,then we all went and sat around the camp fire to get warm and to have our supper.Mmmm,bully beef,beans and stale damper.Delicious.

25th April 1915
It was time for the first watch so the night guards and medics came out to see if they could find any men that had died or were still laying there injured and wounded as we went in to rest.The gunfire in the background was relentless. Men sat in groups trying to support each other the best they could.

26th April 1915
Morning at dawn
We heard the sound of the Bugle playing defiantly in the background rudely waking us from the uneasy night we had had.It was a cool crisp morning.The fog from our breath was making it hard to see.We had to use the friction of our hands to keep us warm.Orders were given and last prayers were said.It was to be another day of bloodshed and fears.Oh,Australia,how I missed you right at the moment......


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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