EC12 A Code Overkill

Ella Cooper was cuddling up with Ruby the staffy. Piiinnnggg! went Ella's spy phone. Piiinngg! went Ruby's collar tag. Ella's mum came in. "So? You two got a mission?" she said randomly. "How did you know?" Ellas asked suspiciously to her Mum. "Weeellll..." she started to speak slowly but excitedly, "My watch rang as well!"

So they jumped in the car and drove off to the Spy Headquarted of 'SHINED'. "As they pulled up to a stop there was a silence as they hopped out of the car. The silence was broken by a shudder from Ruby the pupsicle.

Their boss 'L!' was waiting for them on the 47th floor of the building. "Welcome 'EC12' 'PJ12' and 'MC30' she said trying to stay calm. "Your mission today is to find out what is topping water from coming out of the Lake Burley Griffin fountain in Canberra. We suspect SLITHER is behind this!" she said more seriously/ SO L! activated the light screen to show them all what to look for. "It will be VERY cold, so cold it might snow." L1 warned. She showed them their gear which consisted of a swimsuit, a pair of flippers, scuba mask, snow coat and snow boots. IC12 is waiting for you,..Oh, and good luck!" wished L1.

The spies flew all the way to Canberra on a private plane. When they got there, it started to snow so they put their snow gear on. They waited for the snow to stop and by the time it did, it was night time so they went to sleep in a hotel that L1 had booked for them the day before.

Ella was woken by a soggy kiss from Ruby wanting breakfast. "Not now, 'PJ - it's 1am and its still snowing, hang on a second, it's not snowing anymore Ok,ok PJ!" yawned EC. So Ec climbed out of bed and walked down the hallway bumping into walls on the way there. In the kitchen, Ella opened a can of dog food and tipped it into PJ's bowl, putting it on the ground and trudging back towards her room. "Time to get up." yelled MC340 from the hallway. So the spies all had an early breakfast and got into their scuba gear.

They drove to the lake and jumped in. They were only in the water for a minute when they saw a girl swimming about a kilometre away, stuffing rubbish into the fountain. EC12 quickly took a photograph, staying hidden so she couldn't be seen. They went home and analysed the photo. As they zoomed in, they could see writing on the front of her dry suit. It read 'SLITHER'.

Ella had an idea. "We could act as SLITHER agents and unplug the fountain?" suggested Ella. Piiinnggg! went EC's spyphone. It was a message from headquarters. It read....ALSKHJALKHDLAKHJDLKASHJDKJSHFLKSDLASHDKASHJDASHDLAKSD. OK, though Ella. All I have to do is decode that, right. Two hours later, she had it. It said "COLLECT THE BIG CONTAINERS AND FILL THEM FULL THEN FORWARD THEM TO SHINED HQ".
"Oh well." sighed EC12. "I guess this emans we're going back into the lake." The team gathered their stuff again and headed back to Lake Burley Griffin. To their surprise, their friend Agent EB12 was waiting for them. "L1 sent me as backupo!" Eb12 said. Ella was over the moon to see her best spy buddy. "We're going to kick SLITHER's BUTT now!" EC exclaimed excitedly.

The team spent the next hour putting the finishing touches onto their plan and then it was action time! Within no time, the team had emptied the lake of all the rubbish and the fountain's water had started flowing again. The team was ecstatic. "Well done, everyone! We did it!" EC screamed.

It HAD been a very long day but the team headed back to the Headquarters of SHINED to report on their successful mission.

The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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