Night In The Chocolate Factory

“Are you sure about this?” the thief’s partner in crime questioned.

“Positive,” replied the kleptomaniac. ”For years I have been studying Australia’s most secured building.” I have studied day and night as of how I could steal from Australia’s most invulnerable building.

“I still think that this is a very risky plan,” responded the embezzler’s associate. “The secret Lindt recipe has been protected from hundreds of crooks just like us. In fact according to my information, the most infamous for stealing Butch Cassidy and his associate the Sundance kid had attempted to steal the concealed recipe but was caught red handed and had got executed.”

“Stop being such a goose and come with me!” roared the criminal. The lights had all been abandoned and all the windows and shutters had been shut with not a single light to be seen. The mugger had switched on his handy torch and jumped into his beautiful and shiny Mercedes Benz. His partner in crime nervously walks into the glistening car with sweat tripling down his face. The aggravated mugger raced down the street as quiet as they could be.

Then only the assistant of the crime started talking about some serious traps.
“I had once heard a young girl while I was walking, who had been talking to her mum about this weekly quiz and where one question was about how this man tried to get the secret recipe worth billions of dollars until this incredibly sticky substance which made him like a statue except was poisonous. Should we be concerned about this hazardous booby trap?”

“Intriguing indeed," replied the kleptomaniac. “We may need to rethink our plan.” They had finally arrived and were certain it was the right place because there were enormous letters saying Australia’s best chocolate makers. They stealthily walked through the invisible lasers with their trusty map that contained all the traps. Next was known as the rope catcher, which takes you upside down and makes a haemorrhage which means that there is an unstopped flow of blood.

Pop! Up the rope he went, the embezzler’s assistant turned upside down but luckily not signalling an alarm. The mugger’s helper had just made his blood run cold. He quickly used his razor sharp blade to cut through the sturdy rope.

They were starting to get white-knuckled after passing through the traps which were getting more difficult. It was now time for them to face the freakiest of them all. They tip-toed into the last chamber, until a siren rang just as they stepped on a laser beam.
Can they avoid the poisonous substance and successfully steal the billion dollar recipe?


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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