
“I saw it Mum. I’m not lying. He had a huge cauldron mixing some sort of blue potion that spelt out my name”.
“Laura don’t be silly you must just be imagining things.”
I storm up to my room and look out my window. I stare at him, into his glassy eyes as he scrapes his disgusting long nails against the window. There was nothing I could do, no one believed me, not even Mum. That’s when I decided I was going to sneak into his house and find out why he wants to curse me and why he wants to hurt me, why me?
“Laura… time for bed… love you,” Mum calls from her room.
I sneak out the front door and run to his house, his wooden floors creak. The first thing I notice is a little doll made out of wool on the floor, like some sort of voodoo doll. I slowly walk up the stairs, it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. My life was at stake! I’m cursed and I need to know why!
I get to the to the top of the stairs and there is only one door. I open it. I knew he would be in there, I just knew it. I slowly push the door open and walk in, I couldn’t see his face it was under the cloak.
"You came?” said the Wizard. “Who are you? Tell me now,” I ask. “This was all planned Laura, you are the chosen one.” “The chosen one?” I say with a confused look on my face. “A long long time ago when you were just a baby, your father and I were good friends until he died of course. What you didn’t know is that your father betrayed me and was about to tell everyone what I was capable of, when he did no one believed him. He went insane and eventually I froze him for betraying me and I swore that his child would be frozen just like he was.” I didn’t understand how anyone could be so cold.
”Just please reveal your face,” I begged. He pulled back his cloak of his face. All of a sudden, I started having flashbacks of the hospital. I began to remember.
“Now it’s midnight, it’s time for me to freeze you. I finished the potion, I just need you to drink it… Hey where are you going?” I ran down the stairs and the door slammed shut in front of me. There was no escape. I was frozen! So many things were going through my head… I didn’t know what would happen to Mum, I was gone.
I had no one to talk to, ice covered my body, I could still see and hear everything, I guess he wanted me to suffer. He placed me next to one other ice statue, it was my father. In a place with no soul or no life, I stand here paralysed.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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