Jeff And Tom's Big Adventure

On Sunday, Jeff and his family were patiently waiting on the docks for their proud Captain to allow them on board his cruise ship the Raven. The Raven was a sleek cruise ship fast and able to out run the modern day pirates. The Raven was huge – it had five built in restaurants, two hundred and ten guest rooms and a built in footy oval and cricket ground.

They cast off the jetty and soon they were off. The Captain boomed on the speaker to the guests that they were going to be arriving at his desert island in two days. To pass the time everyone was watching the boxing day test match – Australia was winning.

Jeff decided to go for a walk and on the way he bumped into a boy named Tom. They talked for a long time and realised they had lots in common. They both loved cricket and footy and they were both the best at it at school. They even lived on the same street! “What a small world” they said. They instantly became friends.

Over the ship’s speaker the Captain’s voice boomed out that they were going to be at the island in 15 minutes. He also said there was an ultimate treasure hunt and legend said that if you got the golden bat and ball you would become the ultimate spin and pace bowler and the best batter. Jeff and Tom were excited to hear of this treasure hunt. They knew they must find the golden bat and ball. They decided to pair up in the hunt.

The ship moored on the island. The island was beautiful but also dangerous as there was a large volcano in the middle.

The Captain handed out the first clue – it was a riddle. Jeff and Tom thought for a moment and ran to the cliffs to get a better view of the island. On top of the cliffs was a small button made out of stone. They pressed the button and out came some steps from beneath their feet. The steps were leading to the top of the volcano. Right at the top of the volcano – there was a small opening and there was a large chest. They followed the path – it was a long and hard journey but they made it, together as a team. They hurriedly pulled the chest out of the volcano and slid down the side. They went back to the ship to find the Captain. The Captain exclaimed “Wow” and opened the chest. Jeff and Tom couldn’t believe their eyes – there was all cricket gear they needed – all coated with gold, diamond and opals. The Captain congratulated them. The boys rushed to show their family who were in shock.

Jeff and Tom had the best holiday ever and when they returned home they stayed the best of friends, placed cricket all year long and kept marvelling at their huge achievement.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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