Caley And Kyle And The Ballet Slipper Thief

It all began on a dark and stormy night, a night, perfectly made for crime. But little did the crooked criminal Jake know, it was also a perfect night for Caley and Kyle, Ace Detectives.
Jake was out by the river on this dark night, plotting his next plan to make himself rich! Through the trees across the river, he saw a light and dancing. He got in his old boat and rowed across the river to see what was happening and how he could profit.
He got closer and crept up to the light, he noticed the dancing, the laughing and the music, he knew he had to destroy their happiness, if he could not be happy, then neither could anyone else!
He peered through the window and saw the two dancers who were incredible dancers, they moved like swans. It was just then that Jake spotted the glass ballet slipper in the cabinet locked with a golden key encrusted with diamonds.
He saw his future before his eyes; he knew that if he got the ballet slipper, he could sell it to the worst man in Highfields for a fortune. He knew he would be rich and would have more money than he could ever imagine. Jake crept away, plotting his future, plotting how he would steal the glass slipper. Back across the river, he rowed in his boat. There he went to an Inn, where he could plan.
Two weeks later, at midnight, Jake crept silently across the river and saw that someone had left the back door open. “What fools,” he laughed! Silently, he took his chance, he crept in on the floor and came upon the cabinet that held the glass slipper, he turned the diamond encrusted key and the alarms went off and silently called the police. Jake grabbed the slipper and ran.
Caley and Kyle, were on the case! They had noticed the stranger from weeks before peering in through the window, they knew who he was!!
They followed Jake to the worst man in Highfields’s house and saw that Jake sold the slipper for a fortune of gold and a new boat. He walked away, whistling, he was finally happy, or so he thought.
Caley and Kyle videotaped the whole incident with the horrible man in Highfields and took it to the police! They nabbed Jake and threw him into the police car, but he escaped and ran to his new boat on the river...
He waited and he waited. The police looked everywhere for Jake, but could not find him, he was very clever at hiding...that was just the beginning of Casey and Kyle, Ace detectives and the story of the criminal Jake...stay tuned.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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