
The termite ridden mast creaked under the weight of the soaking canvas sails. What I'm sure was once the beautifully horrifying figurehead of the princess Andromeda, chained to a rock about to be sacrificed to the sea monster by her own mother, was broken and distorted. An image I was going to make a reality for the men aboard her ship.

I am aware that serpents have long been known as fearful and intelligent creatures that cause the stirring of evil things and wreak havoc across the lands. I find this judgement harshly untrue. I am far worse than that.
I can hear the puny humans below me, struggling to keep their ship afloat. It careens to the left and I watch in amusement as they tumble across the deck. Waves of salt water and sea muck blast them mercilessly. I rake up against them, my jagged scales ripping at their canons and oars, bending everything out of place. This throws them into a panic, now that half their weapons are destroyed. But I am really just toying with them now. Making their lives as miserable as possible before I destroy all memory of them. They will suffer greatly at my hand, just as many before them. Though I sense more of a fight behind these people, the will to survive, nothing escapes me. I will put on a show.

I rear up, out of the water and tower over my opponents. Despite that only a quarter of my great enormity has surfaced, I easily account for five times the height of the warship. I unhinge my jaw and let loose a guttural battle cry, to affirm my power. I don't need to though, they are already terrified. I have no doubt I will crush them. I am the king of the seas and no other comes close to my size and power. I murdered my queen and children in hatred and cold blood. I will not be succeeded. Never replaced. I am the terror of the seas, who haunts the dreams of every sailor. The ones I allow to survive, I send scurrying back, with a message.
Nothing I try to kill escapes me.



25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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