The Lonely One

Excellence Award in the 'Top Secret 2016' competition

One day there was a girl. Ignored,hated and most importantly lonely.
She lost her parents in a tragic accident. Now she lives with her dad's mum (Her grandmother). Now you might think that's not at all bad but her grandmother hates her to death. She would make her clean the house (even on top of the roof)! She makes her make tea for her ten times a day. Worst of all clean the drains for the shower and the sink! Her grandmother called her Sed because she thought it was mean and it was. No one knew her name except for her, her parents and her grandmother. Her name was Sydney.
Every day she would walk to school and be bullied and harassed by people and she would get hurt physically and mentally but people like this either commit suicide or end up in depression. I don't know how but she was fine but was still hurt. At school she would always get A+ grades in all her work and 10 out of 10 in everything. Teachers were very proud but she was never allowed to show this to the world because of her mean grandmother. Before getting A grades in everything she would get more like B grades in everything and her grandmother would punish her with more and extra torturing work to do. At school she would sit alone and do nothing not even eat lunch because her grandmother restricted her from even having lunch at school.
After all that torturing, one day she came to her senses. At 12:00 in the night she ran out of the house with a bag filled with her belongings. At first she hesitated because she didn't know what was going to happen to her life but after all she was an amazing student. Who knows where she ran. So far away that is all I know of but this was going to be the best decision of her life. A few hours later someone woke her from her sleep on the bench. A rich wealthy woman with beautiful eyes perfect hair and amazing glittering diamonds on her silver and gold dress. Sydney's staring was interrupted by her ridiculously perfectly pitched voice. She was asking her some questions. What's 7 + 100567?
She immediately answered 100574. She was so quick that the woman was astounded and said “you are a very intelligent and beautiful girl. Why are you alone?” Sydney answered “well my grandmother treated me poorly so I ran away.” The woman answered “come with me I will treat you with love and take you to my university.” Sydney Said immediately “YES!” The woman said “my name is Marian, very pleased to meet you daughter.” Sydney then had a good life with her new mum Marian!
The end!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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