Sarah’s Diaries

Wednesday, 25 March 2016
I finally just got home from a long day of stressful and tiring school and guess what... I had to wait the whole entire day to find out who the school captains were. Of course I was running for school captain. I thought I did okay when I was talking to my class about why I should be school captain. The worst part was that my best friend Chloe was also going for it. There were 14 students running for the spot and the teachers said they had narrowed it down to 4 people. We found out it was Chloe, Ethan, Jacob and … me!! I almost fell off my seat when I heard my name called out! As I am writing in my diary right this second and it’s exactly 10:00pm (my bedtime). I think I better go to bed for school tomorrow.

Thursday, 26 March 2016
I just woke up and I figure I should get up for school. My annoying alarm goes off every morning at 7:00am... Hello!!! i’m trying to have my beauty sleep. Anyway, every morning I get changed in my school uniform, eat breakfast, do my hair and I catch the bus for school. So of course, guess what I just remembered! I have a MATHS test today which I totally forgot to study for it! Well at least I have Jacob sitting next to me. He is so dreamy...ah sorry, what was I saying? Right hahahahaha. Jacob is great at maths so he always helps me, but obviously he can’t do that in a test or we will BOTH get an F! I got off the bus and entered school. It is now 8:40am and class starts at 8:45am so I went in to my home room because they said they will tell us who the new school captains are So my teacher Mrs Wallbery said drum roll please! and after what felt like forever she finally said “CONGRATULATIONS SARAH AND JACOB!”I was so excited! But I could see from the corner of my eye, Chloe was trying to be happy for me but it looked totally FAKE. It is lunch time at school I am trying everything to make her laugh. I tried telling her jokes, doing funny dances but nothing worked. It was the end of the day and I took the bus home. The time passed as fast as you knew it. I finally thought I am her BFF and I will improve. I will let her be Captain instead of me. I finally went to bed as it’s 10:00pm.

Friday, 27 March 2016

So, i'm starting to write in my diary right after I asked the principal Mrs Marywell about it. She said “that is very sweet of you, I am very proud. Yes you may Sarah.” I ran to Chloe and told her the news. She hugged me and I felt very happy and accomplished.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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