
The wind lashes her face, whipping it like a thousand demon’s tongues. Salt water stings her eyes, and the harsh copper of blood burns my nostrils. Yet she stands there, defiant, icy tears dripping from her chin. The girl’s cracked lips taint the swirling ocean crimson. As she rips at her ebony hair, the pain refreshes her senses utterly. Over the roar of thunder in the darkened skies, I hear her yell with passion, her eyes glowing brighter than ever. “Big sister, look what you have given me. I am magnificent.”
I begin to shake, taking a moment before I realise that I am sobbing for my little sister, and all she used to be.
What had I been thinking when I was offered that temptation? Hadn’t I known nothing was worth losing Amy?
I remember it perfectly, a curse which will plague me forever.
I had been lying in bed, thinking about how much I needed it, how magnificent I would be once I had it. I opened the chat forum on my laptop, and typed:
I’m ready.
A harsh, crackling sound had suddenly filled my mind, and at that moment I knew I never should have made the deal. Tiny stings seemed to pierce my whole body, lifting me high in the air, before dropping me back down to my bed with a soft whump, leaving my ears buzzing with quiet.
I pulled my doona up over my head with a strength that I owed to the fear that shook me.
I heard a knock at my door, and believing it to be my sister, I groaned, “Go back to bed, Amy,” I lay there a while longer, but could still hear a harsh breathing coming from the doorway. I moaned again, dragging myself out of my bed like a demented swamp monster, to put my troublesome sister back to bed.
When I raised my head to look at her, her mouth was open, spilling deep, red light that shone from her eyes as well, swirling her dark hair eerily. Amy’s pale skin seemed too flimsy to contain the massive power within. Silently she glided to me, taking my hand. I was so paralysed with terror that I didn’t resist.
I only realised where we were when my feet resounded on the wooden jetty.
As I opened my mouth to speak, the terrible feeling of three million needles stabbing filled me again.
“You agreed to lose your sister. A life for a life,” An unimaginable feeling of guilt knocked me to the ground.
“I didn’t think it would be like this! I’ll give you anything! Please! Amy, come back to me,” I finished the outburst in barely a whisper, tasting tears on my feverish tongue
All energy left my body, and I crumpled to the ground, feeling mossy, weathered planks caress my tear-stained cheeks.
This is my failure. This is my falling. A curse which will plague me forever.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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