The Night When Zentor Came

Excellence Award in the 'Top Secret 2016' competition

“RUN ZED AND CASANDRO!! RUN MY DEARS!!!” shrieked Zed and Casandro’s mother.
1 hour ago...
“Goodnight Mother,” vocalized Zed and Casandro. “Goodnight my darlings,” their mother said. BOOM!!! The door explodes and in walks a hideous creature. It had black leathery skin, humongus black wings and a curved metal beak that made a clack sound when he closed it. Then it said, “I am Zentor from the planet Kentaurus and you now are the slaves of my master Drakul The Almighty!”. “Never!” said Zed’s parents. “Well then you will have to die,” and Zentor drew his dagger and lunged at the two. But at the nick of time Zed’s father grabbed the biggest kitchen knife he could find and blocked Zentor’s swing before it hit his wife. With all his might Zed’s father swang at Zentor but Zentor dodged it and stabbed Zed’s father right in the chest. “Hhhhhhhhh, avenge meeeeeeeeeeeee...” then all was quiet. Then Zentor broke the silence by stabbing their mother with a flick of his wrist. “RUN ZED AND CASANDRO!! RUN MY DEARS!!! AHHHHHH!!!...” shrieked Zed’s mother. And so they ran. They ran as far away as they could and hid at an inn till the next day...
They woke up to see themselves staring at a solid brick wall. “So you're finally awake” said a familiar voice. At that time, there were five clacks of metal touching metal and then Zentor appeared. “I was told by the owner of this inn that he saw two small little boys creeping into a room”. “Because you disobeyed my orders you now will feel the wrath of ZENTOR!!” Zentor drew his dagger and held it high. But when he was about to bring it down a sliver metal object came out of Zentor’s chest. All was quiet. Zentor was just looking at the two small boys and then fell. He was dead. Out from the shadows walked a tall man. The brothers couldn’t see his face because of the cloak he was wearing. The man removed the cloak, his face was tanned beyond compare, he had black gloves and a sword around his waist. Then Zed said, “Thank you, sir.” “Yes, thank you,” added Casandro. “My pleasure,” replied the man. “My name is Murtagh. I have been hunting Zentor for 5 years because he... killed... my... parents..” whimpered Murtagh. “He did the same thing to ours,” Casandro replied. “I’m sorry to hear that,” Murtagh continued. “Since you have no parents you can come and live with me if you want.” suggested Murtagh. “Well we have no other choice,” admitted the two. “Well then come with me,” said Murtagh. So off they walked to Murtagh’s spaceship and flew off to the stars.
The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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