New, Weird School

I walked into the classroom and everyone stared at me like I was a Martian. I looked down at my feet. I didn’t look like a Martian. Maybe I should have had a second look in the mirror before I left home. Maybe, I’d turned into a Martian overnight. I stood at the front with at first what I thought was a large, fat troll, but then turned out to be the teacher. I retreated to my seat. This was the first time I’d moved school. Well, second, but my last school didn’t really count, seeing as it was more of a zoo than a school. I wasn’t the best behaved kid I knew. It wasn’t really my fault; I didn’t go looking for trouble, trouble just seemed to find me. But here I was, in a new school. Looked like the strictest one yet. The kids here looked like action figures, lifeless, straight backed, action figures. We had to wear ties. Ties! I hated the ties; they were itchy and tight around my neck. Still, I had to give this place a chance. Dad said he’d buy me a bike if I lasted two years here. Mum said she’d do no such thing and I should learn to be better behaved. The troll gave me a book with squares printed onto the pages. While the others did maths, I coloured the squares in different colours and made a pretty cool pattern. The troll came and collected my book, and sighed at me when she saw the squares. I sighed back. Well, behind her back. I wasn’t doing maths any time soon, whatever she thought of me. A high pitched wail sounded, and while the others neatly put away their books, and neatly tucked in their chairs, I ran out of the classroom screaming like a banshee. It wasn’t long before my tie was tied around my head and I was running around the playground, arms stretched like an aeroplane. I was a plane. Flying at 500 miles per hour, up, down, manoeuvring in-between buildings, faster than anyone ever flew before. People, screaming my name below me. People, screaming my name…at the top of the playground. Engines down. I walked over to the teacher, who had a stern face, and then she started to speak.
“You boy. You, you’re wanted in the Head’s office.”
I walked across the playground to the front entrance, whilst everyone stared at me. The walk of shame, all too well known to me. I dragged my feet as I walked towards the office, and knocked twice slowly on the door. “In.” I heard a voice say. I walked in and my eyes met the Head’s.
I winced. No bike it seemed. “Welcome.” He said. “Welcome to the school. I hope you have a productive time here.” This was a shock. I wasn’t in trouble
“Thank you.”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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