The Abandoned Forest

I woke to the sound of birds chirping from the trees. As my eyes slowly started to adjust to the misty, foggy air, I saw outlines of people lying on the floor around me. The area looked like a forest. A horrible stench was coming from next to me. I turn around and see a person, he must be dead. I put my hand on their chest to check their heart beat, it was going slower and slower, boom…boom…then it stopped. Cold shivers went down my spine. “What am I doing here? How did I get to his place?” confusion filled my thoughts.
As I start to get up I fumble. My legs were like jelly and I couldn’t stop shaking. My fear was starting to overtake my body. I decide to try and get up again; the muscles in my body are aching. I’m standing up. I start to walk around to see more of my surroundings.
As I keep walking I hear a noise coming from behind me. As I slowly turn around I feel a sharp pain in my neck. I put my hand on my neck to feel if there is anything there. It feels as hard as metal. They must have given me a chip so they can track us. I hear a noise again, but I can’t see anyone or anything. I yell out just in case “Is anyone there?” no response. I must be imagining things.
On the way I find footprints, they look fresh, maybe these footprints came from the people who brought us here? I decide to follow them just in case, hoping that it’ll lead me to people who can help.
As I trod through the dense forest, I get a funny feeling that I’m not alone. Weird noises are coming from the branches. I start to feel sick in my stomach. I decide to climb the tree. Half way up the tree I see more dead people; I fall down and scratch my face. My body just shut down on me. The saw starts to sting, but I must continue.
It’s getting very dark quickly. I should look for somewhere to sleep. I decide to climb a different tree and sleep there for the night. It’s not as comfortable as my warm, cosy bed, but it’s all I can think of. There’s not much choice in a forest.
It feels like I have been lying here for ages, I can’t get to sleep. I start to sing myself a lullaby that my Mum sang to me every night. My eyes slowly start to shut. Hopefully when I wake up everything will be back to normal.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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