Magnificent Mew Saves The Day

Mew tumbled out of the house like a ball of fluff after Cascade. It was her first time outside and she was obviously very excited. Elements came running out after her. “Hey,” she said, “You ruined my shot at the tuft bush”.

“Oh stop whining! It’s not like it’s the end of the world,” Cascade whined back.
“Rumble, rumble,” teased Mew. “It’s the end of the world! Run Cascade.”
“Ha, ha. Very funny Mew,” squeaked Cascade.
“Aaahh,” said Mew as Cascade pushed her into the tuft bush.
“Stop it Cascade,” said an older voice from the door-way of the pe-peopl-e house. A soft furred ginger she-cat strode slowly across the clearing and gently tugged at the tuft bush Mew had fallen into.
“I’ll get you out Mew don’t worry,” said Sparrow their mother. “As for you, Cascade, you can’t leap on your sisters. You know that.”
“Yes mother,” replied Cascade grumpily.

Out of the tuft bush Mew sniffed the air. “Fire!” she called.

“Go and check before you sound the alarm because it might just be the burnt food that we smell every Sunday,” said Sparrow.
“I’m coming too,” said Cascade.

They raced toward the entrance of the pe-peopl-e house. As soon as they were in they took the well learnt fire check route. Up the Great Seat, onto the Big Hypnotising Screen, then the far Sun Shade Blind, and finally onto the Stuff Storing Cupboard.

Cascade twitched his nose. “I definitely smell fire. How about you?”
“Same,” declared Mew.
“Ok then lets go tell the others…” suddenly Cascade was cut off by a high hissing sound from the fireplace.
“We must warn the pe-peopl-e. They will get burnt if we don’t,” said Mew running up the stairs to the pe-peopl-e’s room.

Cascade followed obediently. Outside Bedroom Door Mew gave way to screaming cat sounds trying to wake the owners. Cascade copied.

In an instant the pe-peopl-e opened Bedroom Door angrily. They shouted pe-peopl-e talk that neither Mew or Cascade understood. Frightened, Cascade shrunk into the shadows but Mew did not give up. She kept pushing and would not stop until finally the pe-peopl-e followed her down the stairs just enough to see the flames. The pe-peopl-e screamed and ran about the house franticly getting water and pouring it on the burning fireplace. The house filled with smoke as the fire was put out. The pe-peopl-e bent down and picked up Cascade and Mew in gentle hands. They hugged them and made funny moans of thanks.

“Mew, you were magnificent!” said Cascade, “I really think that you saved the day.”
“Thanks,” replied Mew kindly, “but I couldn’t have done it without you!”

When they went back outside Elements and Sparrow were staring at the house in astonishment.

“There was a fire,” said Cascade to Sparrow. “The pe-peopl-e were in Bedroom and didn’t realise. Mew saved them!”
“I’m so proud of both of you,” praised Sparrow.
“Now who’s up for a game of roll into the tuft bush?” asked Mew.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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