Violets Are Blue

“I love you, more than anybody ever could … but I am not in love with you.”
“If you think that he or anyone else will make you happy, like I can, then you deserve to be alone Violet.”
“Goodbye Izaac.”
The door slammed shut and I was alone. Unlike her name suggested Violet was nothing like a flower, she painted a portrait to conceal her emotions, not even the brightest watercolour could create something more amazing then her and even with all her rough edges and sides there was still not one part of me that couldn’t help loving her.
In all the ways possible I hated Violet, I hated how she could make me feel so inferior and vulnerable, I hated how she cut her hair because I said it I liked it long, I hated that she would stay in the sun when I told her that If she didn’t wear sun cream she would burn, I hated how she smoked when she knew I lost my mum to lung cancer and I hated that at the end of each day she could leave me with a smile and a goodbye like she had no idea I loved her, and I hated most o all that she knew I loved her and didn’t do anything, I hated that despite loving her she never loved me the way I did her.
The thing about Violet was, she knew I would do anything for her, I took her to our year twelve prom, I danced with her when nobody else asked her to, I carried her home when she fell asleep in the sunflower patch outside the town and I loved her when she didn’t love me.
My mother was sick for a very long time before she died, Violet would stay up and read her favourite book, little women, into the early hours of the morning when I had no energy left to, Violet would throw rocks at my window if I didn’t get up for school or stand on my lawn and blast Beatles songs at seven in the morning on a Sunday because she didn’t believe in wasting a whole day asleep.
Violet would make me love her and never love me back.
When I met Violet, the first thing she told me was that she believed in love at first sight, I never understood because when I first saw her I had no idea I would spend the rest of my life loving her.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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