
“Only 65 million years ago many planets feared my name and ever growing empire.”
General Scab stood proudly in front of his armies, his blue skin standing out in the dark mothership. Apart from the blue skin and the blaster hanging from his belt, he could almost pass for a human. Almost. The General continued his speech as his six Commanders walked on to the stage.
“Wishing to gain another farming planet we set our sights on “Earth.” When we got there, we were surprised to find that the scaly reptilians were civilised and put up a strategic fight, ripping apart our ships but being forced into extinction in the process. Our fleet had been depleted considerably and only half of my army could escape. The army that stayed behind slowly evolved into the ignorant selfish “Humans” that inhabit earth today.” The General paused for a moment to take a breath before continuing. “As we left, many death threats were exchanged and the remaining armies vowed to annihilate me and my vast empire. For those threats their descendants will be slaughtered by the proud Zerg armies that they betrayed.” Scab gestured to the armour clad Zerg before him. Cheering rang out throughout the mothership.
Meanwhile at a Military base in Victoria
Sergeant Kipper collapsed on a small log in the middle of a field surrounded by bushland and wilderness after completing his gruelling morning exercise routine. As he was recovering, he noticed a fleet of three ships headed for the military base just north of his position. Sergeant Kipper watched in amazement as the perfectly built, seemingly glowing ships flew further and further away from him. Kipper was about to keep running when he noticed a small missile shot from the pulsing blue wing of the ship in the middle. Kipper then heard the sound of screaming and the familiar sound of gunfire. Sergeant Kipper turned and ran through the repugnant knee deep ooze that had come into existence due to last month’s record breaking rainfall. Grabbing his rifle and losing his shoe in the process. On one foot, Sergeant Kipper ran as fast as he could towards the Military base.
General Scab stood proudly on top of the mothership concealed in the clouds. The three scout ships were quietly going down to take care of the Military base meaning that no one in Victoria was aware of the mothership until their last line of defence was obliterated. Scab smiled coldly as he heard the first missile hit its mark.
Sargent Kipper lay rigid behind a large rock that was often used for training. In front of him the ground was littered with corpses and the mud was red with blood. The mothership descended towards earth, General scab waiting at the exit. The sliding doors started to open whilst the ship was still in mid-air. Kipper fired through the gap in the doors as Scab fell to the ground.
Earth was safe. For now.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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