Magnificent Man

Once upon a time in London there lived a sweet boy named Xavier and he had a very special secret no one else knew about. He was ‘Magnificent Man’ or ‘Mag Man’ for short.

One day Xavier was eating his delicious dinner at the table with his little sister Lydia.
“Why are you always leaving in the middle of games and special occasions?”, asked Lydia.
Xavier didn’t want to tell Lydia that he was ‘Mag Man’, so he had to lie.
“I am in year 7 now, so I have a lot of homework”, replied Xavier.
Xavier hated lying so he felt ashamed in himself, but he had to deal with it if he wanted to be ‘Mag Man’.

Just at that moment Xavier’s super belt started to beep, so he jumped up suddenly and ran straight to his room and leapt down the dark colossal shute he had dug up to get to his super secret lab. He sprung into his ‘Mag Man’ suit and instantly transformed into Magnificent Man.
“Let’s go save the world”, he yelled excitedly.
So ‘Mag Man’ jumped into his supercar and drove straight to the town bank.
“These thieves obviously didn’t know ‘Mag Man’ was around”, he said in a high pitched voice.
As soon as he got there he took out the robbers in a flash.

When he got home he got changed and raced back to the kitchen table.
“Where did you just go”, Lydia asked.
Xavier gave up, he couldn’t take it any longer.
“Come with me”, said Xavier “I’ll show you.”
So Xavier showed Lydia his super lab and everyone lived happily ever after.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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