Samurai Assassin

It's the time of samurai. Your name is Sungme. Your spies have informed you of an assassination attempt. Tonight. On you.
You prepare your guards. You wait awake with the Kings ancient dagger.
Sleep comes but you awaken, alarmed to hear light footsteps coming towards you. You leap from bed and count eight deadly,sharp,masked assassins.You whistle and guards come running in. Chaos follows.
Your daggers clatter and you swing hitting one of the assassins. One down. You lose four guards but the sacrifice was nessecary, as you live. Your guards take down all but one
"Keep that one alive. I've got questions for him."
You ask "what are your plans?"
"Why should I tell you," says the assassin on his knees.
"For an honourable death, otherwise it's the hanging."
"You would do that?" asks the assassin.
"Yes, tell me what you know."
"We were sent by Nashma to kill you to end the war."
"Is there anything else?" you ask the assassin.
"Yes, we were to kill all who were loyal to you and steal your plans."
"Would you like an honourable death?" you ask.
"Yes" says the assassin reluctantly as you unsheathed the blade. You get into position and drive the blade down his spine. You unmask the assassin and are shocked to find your brothers face all torn and tortured.
"I can't believe I just killed my brother,after all this time,I thought he was dead. I can't believe my parents lied to me like that. How could they all betray me like this.I was told that he killed himself."
You feel anger boil inside you so you march to the guards and order an immediate attack on Sing Hu village. You attack the village on horse-back with your whole army. As you reached their leader, you have no trouble passing the guards. As you enter, you scream at Nashma " WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER!!"
"It was your parents who decided this, not me."
"That is the truth. Your parents sold him to me as I had no son."
At these words you relax a little but you run to Nashma and plunge your sword deep into his flesh, mumbling" may death take you." "I understand my actions. I know what I have done" you think to your self on the way to your village." I know I have caused a civil war between the villages. And we are going to be ready."


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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