New York In Darkness

It was dark and it was cold, i woke up to a city of darkness. My name is Eli frost im fifteen and an orthan. The last thing i remember was that i was walking down the streets of new york and i thaught i saw black figures on the roofs following me so i kept walking then i turned into a street and someone grabed me by the arm. I turned to see who it was and thats when i saw six men all dressed in black they said they wanted the key, i didnt know what they ment i still dont but that was all i had rememberd.

I stood up noticing my suroundings then i herd a crash like if a car colided with twelve other cars. I serched for what made the noise ready to fight what ever it was. I saw a food deprived, perishing side,i said that he could come out and that i wasnt going to hurt him. I was surprised by what i saw, i saw a stocky, winsome boy with short flame like copper hair and deep blue, crystal eyes."My name is Charlie jacobs" he said speaking to me for the first time.

I asked him what happend here, he started to explain "men dressed in black suits tore the city apart and made everyone into mindless slaves only to serve them, i tryed to stop them but it was to late the whole of new york was mind controlled, i thaught i was the only one who survived but i guess i was wrong."

It all started to come back, i remeberd where the men came from and i started to make a plan, i taught charlie how to fight, he had gotten good after about thirty six trys so we went of running and hiding in the shadows so the men couldent see us, then we came across an old, tired, rickety warehouse we went inside undetected. We checked every door and every vent looking for a power source when we came across the mens mission room. We were looking through the files when charlie came across a file about me and my parents.

They said that my parents were killed when i was a day old and that i had a key that my parents gave me. I couldent figure out what it was that i had but then the men came in. We started to fight and charlie was going really well untill he got hit in the back of the head. Once he did their boss came in and i was surounded. He said "give me the key or we will open fire." I suddenly knew what it was, it was my snowflake necklace my parents gave to me qhen i was born. "You want it come and get it!" I yelled as i took it off and smashed it against the ground with it breaking into microscopic parts.

The men started to turn into dust and die but most of all the people of new york returned to normal. After a feq minutes charlie regained concusnes and asked what happened i said that the men are gone, the people are free, and i now know what happend to my parents.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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