Quest For The Winged Stallion

Charles rolled under the oncoming fleet of horses, each hoof a few inches from his exhausted body. An army of heavily-armoured soldiers from Withertooth Castle closely followed, throwing spears and firing arrows at the ancient castle. Charles father, the King of Dilston Castle, had ordered him to find the magical Pegasus. There was yards and yards of Withertooth soldiers, each fleet with a different and more destructive weapon.

Charles hid in the thornbushes as the soldiers passed, listening to the screaming and crying from the village. Multiple thorns poked his skin as he thrashed around, trying to shake off the bright red ants that were starting to crawl over his face and body. Once all the soldiers had passed, Charles began to sprint across the cobblestone path towards Longford Forest.

Charles stopped at a split in the path. One path seemed to lead through a dark forest, which would get him to Longford Castle in perhaps a day. However, the other path lead to a dirt road which led through a meadow, but it would surely take at least 10 days. Charles only brought one flask of water and a piece of steak that would go rotten in 5 days. Charles didn’t have a choice. He would die from thirst and starvation if he went the safe way, but if he cut through the forest he would have enough supplies for the trip back to Dilston. He walked off the cobblestone, and into the desolate, dark forest.

Charles was born as Prince of Dilston, and it has stayed that way for many years. His father would become sick from time to time, and he even faced Medusa, leaving with multiple scars and wounds. Charles father was named King Henry, after his grandfather who died as he was battling the mighty Emeraldblood dragon. Henry’s wife started to go insane due to his injuries, and therefore she was taken to the dungeon. Charles didn’t think it was her fault; she just didn’t want Henry to suffer anymore.

Charles was beginning to wonder why he had not seen any beasts or monsters through the forest, but suddenly he heard a growl from the side of the trees. It was the ferocious Fenrir, the dangerous wolf that was kept in the Underworld until Hel, the goddess of the dead, let him out. Hel’s only request for Fenrir was to find and kill Pegasus, and he would do exactly that if Charles didn’t stop him.

But Fenrir did not see Charles, and he headed straight to Longford farm, the place where Pegasus was safely kept. Fenrir disappeared into the trees, Longford farm only minutes away. But Charles kept running, and soon, to his surprise, he overtook Fenrir, Longford farm right in front of him. Charles dived over the fence, and standing right there, was the beautiful Pegasus.

He jumped onto Pegasus, and with no argument, they rode off to Dilston castle. They silently collected King Henry and some villagers. Charles had saved the day.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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