Earth's Last Day

Earths last day

In the year 2009, on March 26, the Space Centre received a horrible message that read;
‘In 58 day it will be the end of EARTH!’ A dark blue asteroid that looked like glass but was harder than the strongest metal would hit Earth.

The boss Mr. Steve told all the agents to send a message to the space craft where astronaut Tena was looking at Mars. Tena heard the space centre’s message. Mr. Steve wanted secret agent Crawford on the task to help the mission. Scientist Vena would help astronaut Tena to figure out if it really was 58 days till the end of earth so they can save the earth.

24 hours later or so Tena and Vena figured out it was a shorter amount of time till the end of earth. It was shocking how many days were left! There was only 9. Mr. Steve said work harder and quicker or we may not make it.

Four days later Tena had an idea to save the earth. The danger is if it does not work the whole entire earth will be destroyed which is the opposite of what they want.

Tena’s idea was to try and stop the asteroid as it was about to hit the earth’s atmosphere. She shot all the space launcher rockets. There were not enough rocket’s to destroy the asteroid. It hit the space craft, and she did not survive.
Earth could still win. They shot another 100 rockets and that destroyed the asteroid.
Luckily the mission of saving earth was complete. Earth needed more space rockets so next time they are prepared to save earth.
A signal from the space craft Tena was in arrived. Is it Tena they thought? No, it was a creator saying I am coming down to earth to destroy you.
After it said that the screen cut out and a spacecraft landed at the Space Centre where Tena’s craft would park. They were just getting prepared to kill the creature when other ships landed.
Mr Steve sent more people out to fight all the ships, and defeat the creatures that are inside of the ships to save the planet. Agent Vena had an idea, if the earth was going to end it could have been these creatures. Were they the reason why earth was ending? If the aliens were glass each soldier had a hammer to break them. All the aliens were destroyed.

Two days later all the Space Centre’s radar screens went red. The alien king brought his whole giant army. Mr Steve order cannonballs to be fired. The fourth cannonball shattered the king. Now the aliens don’t know what to do so they stopped and just floated away.

Mr Steve was finally happy because nothing else was trying to destroy Earth.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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