Galaxy Wars

Strike team wolf soldiers: Alex McAndrew, Parssel hunter, Marther Brogan, Mike (Monster) Proling, Jenner Price, Martinez Dennis and Logan rodanson.
“Cover up!” I scream. “Oskar kilo!” Hunter replies. Oscar kilo means ok in military code. My team obey the orders. Then I see a blindingly fast copper shape flash past my ear. I hear a scream of agony and look behind me to see Marther Brogan lay prone on the ground. My team is gathered around her. “It could be worse, I guess,” says Dennis trying to keep positive. It didn’t work.
“We lost, brick-brain? What is worse?” I ask. “She could be dead,” suggests Price. I am the Captain of a team of 7 teenage soldiers. Yes I am 16 too. We just did a virtual reality test where we have to survive. My name is Alex McAndrew. We are Strike Team Wolf. We are being trained to be mature fighters. “STOP! LET GO!” I hear. (Well…mainly fighters at least)
Then suddenly the world turns white. I take off the helmet and it is all normal. “Sir, we are ready?” says Logan Rodanson. “Alright, report to CC (Central Command) for mission briefing.” We all march to the command building. The Commander begins, “Soldiers, we are at war with a force of evil called the CDP. We are all that stands between them and our world being transformed to a land of zombies.” Eventually we strapped up. “This is your mission beginning so be prepared,” he says. “Alright team, ready,” I say when we get airborne. “Oscar kilo.” “Oscar kilo.” “Oscar kilo.” “Been better. Aahumph…” “Out the window Dennis,” Price says quickly. “BLURT! sorry bro,” he says. Eventually we get there. “Ready for parachute,” I ask. “Oscar kilo,” they all echo. My heart is pounding like a chorus of drums.
Hunter jumps first. Then me, then Price etc. We find the main zombifier. I start explaining the mission. “Team the job is to get in, plant explosives at the zombie creator then get out.” “Oscar kil…What the…” Monster was interrupted by an appearance of black armoured, intimidating soldiers. The mysterious enemies start firing but we got to cover behind a wall.
“Return fire!” I scream with exhilaration. We all get up and shoot. I take out three with my AK-47. Hunter takes out two soldiers. Then I see monster on the ledge with an RPG. Then a rocket whistles through the air and destroys 90% of the rest. “Good job monster!” I yell. Rodanson, Brogan and I shoot down the rest. When they are finished, we plant explosives. I am last and about to escape when…I…get…a…sixth sense. Then something knocks the detonator out of my hands.
“Give me that detonator!” he demands. “I knew you were there!” I say. “What did you do?” he challenges. “I only removed your ammo.” He checks his ammo and I dive on him then run away with the detonator. I press it and find my team. “Good job team, mission success,” I say. As the building explodes, I get a message about a mission. A grin breaks through on my face. “The adventures never stop.”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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