Tennis: Midget Mania

In a land of the giants there were 3 midgets that took over in every sport. The midgets names were Lochie Tallan and WIll.E, They have taken over the sport of Basketball and soccer and now they are probably going to take over in tennis. One day the midgets were training for tennis ready to vs the giants because they were really bad until the day they vsed them. It was first to 1 set which =’s 6 games. Lochie was up to vs John and beat him six to love. Tallan won against Hank six to three and Will.E won six to 5 against cruiz.

Every single time they when they win they celebrate and have a party. Tallan is now able to come with us to the shops to get some beer and some chips because he use to be poor until he made it is Chicago Bulls basketball team. They went to Walmart and then got some chips and beer and then went for another 3.5 hour drive back home. After they were celebrating all night because they have never played before and still won because they were training for 3 days only!

Everyone was ready to play again tomorrow. The giants wanted to beat them but they said that they won’t be able to because we are too good since Lochie bet John 6 to love. Everyone wanted to see the giants win but we were never going to let them because we always win except for the basketball game because they were training for 1 year and then we had to wait but then we lost so we trained for 2 years and won by a lot again being able to make it into Chicago Bulls team that was because we were so good afterwards.

So now going back to the tennis the next day the midgets were very tired Lochie won six to love again but Tallan won six to five and then Will.E won 6 to 5 again so they are getting closer to beating us kinda… The midgets still had a party because they won but then the next day we lost! Lochie still won six to love and then Tallan lost love to six so then it was one set all so then it was up to Will.E but he lost five to six! That night they were going to bet early and then for the next two months they were training 12/7. Two months later they were ready to play again ready in their tennis gear and then vsed them…

Lochie won six to love and then Tallan won six to love and then Will.E won six to love! Everyone was happy well only us but the other people were watching and there head were down hoping for the giants to win but they got no games the midgets had a massive party and the giants never wanted to vs them again.

The midgets had a happy ending while the giants had a really really bad one, THE END!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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