
The plutonians arrive with 500,000,000,000 solders in New York City. That is when i decided to join the R.A.A.F (Royal Australian Air Force)
7 years later
“Ok everyone today you are going to do your first paintball training battle, and as you all know the rules already you may go to your planes now” says general Gerbic in his deep stern voice. I’m with private Hougo Hardman the best commercial pilot in the world. We're in a EA 99 GBF lightning III one of the best planes in the world. As we walk over i wonder what my first real battle will be like.
One Year Later
“That was a close call” Hugo says. “I know I reply.
Suddenly over the radio comes throw a transmission “ 10 more down only 100 to fighter jets/ bombers left”. Shikes!’ I think We really do have a tough opponent. Bullets everywhere, I look down approximately 17 fighter jets/ bombers are falling through the air the ground must be like hell now with all those crashed fighter jets/ bombers that are on fire. I look at the rader there are 52,000 enemy planes till the plutonians place. I take a few shots, one enemy plane per bullet. Maybe we will survive i think.

“Isaac, look out for the plutonians palace, I’ll stere” Hugo says over the radio.
“Ok” I mutter back. Suddenly we're over the plutonians place I hit the nuclear bomb launcher; two seconds later there is huge explosion. The plutonians have been defeated!!!!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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