The Flood

“The river is very close to overflowing and water might rush to our house,” says Carson worriedly.
It was a cold, rainy day. Sadie’s family were enjoying lunch. Her father brought up the possibility of a flood.
“There’s a high chance of flooding with all this rain. We need to prepare for an evacuation.”
“Run to the barn Sadie, close the trapdoor of the cellar. John get the inflatable boat from the carport,” says mum.
Sadie rushes to the cellar. Pushing the big wooden doors of the barn open, she struggles to lift the trapdoor. Puffing, she drops her lantern. “Damn it!” she says with frustration! Edging down the creaky wooden steps, she grabs the lantern and relights it. As a wave of light fills the room, the heavy, wooden trap door slams, trapping her.
The rising river breaks its banks, rushing towards the barn, taking everything in its path. “The river is overflowing but we are safe in the house,” says Carson. Gushes of water track towards the barn.
Sadie feels the impact of pressure and runs to the door pushing and trying to free herself.
“Sadie! We must get Sadie!” cries Anna.
“She’s in the cellar!” shouts John.
“Sadddieee! The boat!” screams Carson
“How will we get to her?” says Anna
“Help!” Sadie struggles against the door. “Help me! Mum, Dad. Can anybody hear me? Help me, please somebody.” Misty fog gathers in the room as she trails her hand along a shelf. She sobs and she shakes. Goosebumps rise on her arms and thighs. Spooked, she lowers herself to the mouldy haystack. Shivering she listens to the drops of water dripping from the ceiling as exhausted, her eyes droop and close.
“What do we do!” cries John. Carson paces, thinking. “I’ve got it! If we swim to Sadie, we can’t get back through the current. I’ll float with the current tied to a rope and secure myself. The water only reaches the bottom of the door handle. You two make a pulley with the boat and come to the barn afterwards!” shouted Carson.
Sadie wakes to the gurgling sound of water surprised to find she is still dry. Looking out the window she sees the water rushing past. She grabs a baseball bat and smashes the window. Water gushes in. She dives into the murky water and swim upwards.
Sadie breaks the surface. John and Anna spot her green t-shirt from the boat. They call to her over and over as they desperately head towards her. They grab her arms and haul her in. Anna, John and Sadie squeeze together. Carson is still floating waiting for his rescue. John swings the boat side to side to edge closer to his father. Anna leans out reaching for Carson. She grabs his hand and helped by her kids, pulls Carson aboard. They laugh joyfully using the pulley to get back. Later the SES rescue them. Finally on dry land, they tell their stories.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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