PAPER-MAN And The Scissor-King!

One day, Paper-Man was walking around Paper-Land. When he got home, a letter was at his door.

Dear Paper-Man,
I will destroy Paper-Land!
From the...

“From who?” he said.

He thought who might have sent him a letter. It would definitely be someone mean, probably famous. ”WAIT!” he shouted. “The Scissor-King!”

Paper-Man ran down the street to see his friend, Mini-Paper to tell him about his letter.

“We must stop him!” the friends shouted. “Let’s go to his castle!”

While they were walking they ran into...a wizard!

“I can help you, have this magic pencil!” he yelled.

“I am the Paper-Wizard! The pencil gives you drawing powers. You can draw anything and it will come to life!”

He drew..... A DRAGON!

“Weeeee!” shouted Mini-Paper. “Woo hoo!” yelled Paper-Man as they flew on the dragon’s back towards the castle.

They finally arrived.

“Uh oh,” said Mini-Paper. “There’s a river, drawbridge and sharks! How do we cross that?! “

So he drew a bridge.

But then they saw a Scissor-Guard.

“Only Scissor-People are allowed here! GET THEM!” said the Scissor-Guard.

Paper-Man drew a tyrannosaurus.

“AAAAAH!” shouted the guards as they ran away.

“Yes, WE WIN!” they shouted.

“Let’s go into the castle before more guards come!” said Mini-Paper.

“It’s too dark,” whispered Mini-Paper.

“I’ll draw a torch,” said Paper-Man.

“That’s better. Let’s go!”

But they ran into some guards.

When they were about to run away, one of the guards hand-cuffed them and took away the magic pencil.

They got taken to a dungeon and the guards locked them in different cells.

A while later, Paper-Man found a shiny thing lying on the ground.

“Graphite!” he said.

“It must have broken off my pencil!”

He picked it up and drew a key. He pushed it into the lock and turned it.

“It works!” Paper-Man yelled. Then he unlocked Mini-Paper.

Suddenly an alarm went off. They ran away but the guards chased them.

Suddenly the Paper-Wizard appeared in front of them.

“Have this,” he said. ”It’s a reinforced pencil and shoots lightning bolts”

So Paper-Man and Mini-Paper ran outside.

“The guards are following us! I’ll lock the door with my key!”

But as they turned around the Scissor-King appeared. He had used the back door to surprise them.

“RAAAH!” yelled the Scissor-King as he ran towards them. Paper-Man used his new pencil to blast lightning bolts at him.


The Scissor-King jumped out of the way just in time. “HA! You’ll never get me!”

While he wasn’t looking Paper-Man blasted another bolt. The Scissor-King turned around. “Uh oh!” he yelled. The Scissor-King had been electrocuted!

YAY!” cheered Paper-Man and Mini-Paper. “WE DID IT!”

So Paper-Land is safe once again thanks to its new heroes, Paper-Man and Mini-Guy!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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