The First Meeting

The leader of a gang called the 3rd Street Saens killed so many people. So then he wanted to become the president of the United States of America. So he won the election and he went to go to his first meeting but aliens called the Zen. The leader of the Zen was called Zenyak, the aliens attacked the white house and abducted the president. He woke up sitting in front of the tv and he went downstairs and when he got downstairs he ate waffles and then he went to collect the newspaper. The end, just kidding!
A police officer asked him to hop in a car and they went down town to the coffee shop to buy more waffles. But then he ate the waffle, but the waffles disappeared and he swore and everyone in the town turned into zombies. He jumped out the window and then jumped into the car. He drove to the park and someone rang him. This person was called Kinzey Kinzington told him that there was a cat water fountain holding a rocket launcher. He grabbed the rocket launcher and blew everyone up. He shot the sky but the waffles made him gassey so he farted and smashed a hole in the sky before the rocket launcher could. He found power armour in an alien space ship after he farted out of the sky, and he was in the Zen mothership. With the power armour he killed half of the Zen but Zenyark destroyed half of the world so the president destroyed half of the Zen world, and with his power armour he knocked Zenyak out and ripped his head out. He got half of the Zen world an stuck it to the earth and the other half of the Zen on the mothership now lives on earth Zen together, and the president’s name was Clay.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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