Man In The Jungel

Boom! I hear a gun. I’m running as fast as I can. I hear something in the bushes. I step back, it's a raccoon. I crouch down and hold out my hand for the tiny creature to sniff. It’s nervous. Unsure if I am to be trusted. Eventually it gently takes some berries. I see a bear sleeping in it’s cave. Again, from somewhere in the distance a gun shot sounds, “Boom!” The bear stirs. Eyes open. Nostrils sniffing. I freeze. “Should I run?” my mind freaking out and my heart is pounding. “And who is shooting the gun?”
The bear seems to settle and I decide to make a run for it. But running backwards is a bad idea. I stumble on a branch. “Snap”, sounds the twig under my foot. The bear is now awake and heading my way. I turn and run for my life. Pounding behind me. Closer, closer! I stumble, scramble. Huffing and growling behind me. Hot breath breathing down on me, breathing on the back of my neck. Then I see it. A cliff edge. The river below roars as I leap and dive to the depths and safety of the rushing water. Current carries me from the danger of the bear. Though I struggle to swim, I manage to paddle my way to the water’s edge.
I walk back to camp. Back to the warmth and protection of the fire.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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