Caress My Heart

Your words caress my heart, a deceitful allure towards your outstretched embrace as you encapsulate me with your every step.
Breathlessly I fall into your star pooled eyes, our hearts syncopating over the oceans, teasing my soul as I hopelessly traipse in your gaze.
A touch violently pure and innocent that so carelessly turns to dust,
Falling through our grasp as light trickles past, and the fire retracts from beneath our feet, both foreseeing that the quixotic touch will falter.
Your heavy eyes follow my tread, however conflicted, flickering as you reminisce within, loitering through our love and whimsically drawing upon days past.
My lashes, adorned with affection for you oscillate as I plead hungrily that you will crave my affection once more.
Yet you severe the strands, and turned your cheek muttering hazardous words that escape your soft lips, leaving me at a crescendo.
And with a final, heedless sweep, your tresseled strands fall, ladened with such cunning trickery leaving me chilled, and longing for your flushed, tender touch.
But as your figure illuminates the shadows and stars crystallize your eyes, you expose a passion within us again so eager our souls entwine, thirsty to brush hands once more as I fall into your galaxy, the beacon of my desire, encapsulating me in a trance as I relinquish into our wavering enchantment that we call love.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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