New Life

There’s a universe out there with a planet that's just like earth, but it has an ancient civilisation that has been there way before us. They communicate telepathically and they move around by levitating with their legs crossed a metre in the air. They have three eyes but only use one, the one in the middle of their forehead. They live in a town with futuristic buildings and they have a massive shrine of a woman they call the creator of all life. They believe that she created their entire world. There was so much more to learn about them so NASA sent me through a wormhole that conveniently showed up next to Mars, which took me straight to their planet.
When I got to the planet and landed on it safely, I went straight away to start to observe these aliens. After months of observation, I finally went down to introduce myself, but when they saw me, they put me in a cell. It had walls of steel and its entrance was an electrostatic force field. The aliens had six guards that rotated every thirty minutes and there was a five-minute gap between shifts. That's when I was going to escape. I planned my escape. First, I’m going to short circuit the power during the five minutes when the guards are switching positions, which will give me a few minutes before the backup power comes on and turns on the electrostatic barrier keeping me in this cell. After I’m out, I’ll get a key card from one of the guards and make a run for my ship. After a few weeks of more planning it was time to escape.
The guards had just switched then I cut the wires. I ran before the electrostatic field came back on. I made it just in time before the field came back on. Now, to get a key card. When I got out the door I ran into an alien and took him down, then grabbed his key card. The power was quickly fixed and all the aliens were coming after me, all of them. The exit was only a few rooms away according to the blue prints an alien had on his desk next to my cell. I turned a corner and went into another room, but there were two more guards.
They all turned to me and used their telekinetic powers to lift me up, but I threw the cup at the one lifting me and it hit him straight in the noggin knocking it down. Then I ran and shut the door behind me. Now I was in a corridor with no unlocked doors. So, I opened the vent above me and jumped up into the vent and crawled with all my might. Then I saw it. My ship. When I got back to my ship, there was a call from NASA, they said I needed to come home now. So, I did.
Home sweet home.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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